Russian Winter Festival | Women's Expo | SOS Monthly Social Dance
/#DanceFireStudio had a busy weekend! Our Team had a wonderful time:
At the Russian Winter Festival - Grand Finale demonstrating a few #dances on stage as well as the talent of our future generation!
#Teaching a #Beginner #ChaChaCha class at the NY Women's Expo !
#Performing a #Showcase at the Singles Outreach Society Monthly #Social #Dance! Thank you Ann Parillo for inviting us!
Now it's your turn to start #dancing at Dance Fire Studio! Check out our updated schedule and sign up for our New Student Introductory Special!
Our Future Generation dancing at the Russian Winter Festival! We are proud to offer a Kids Ballroom Dance Program!
Stay tuned for our announcement of the winner of the Basic Membership! Thank you, Women's Expo, for having us!